God definitely blessed me again this year. He has been so faithful and loving.
As I look back through my Facebook, planner and phone calendar, I can't stop thanking HIM for all the blessings and blessings-in-disguise. I am just so amazed on how gracious He is despite all my short-comings.
This year, God made sure that we're together in every step and decision I make, He made sure that everything I do would be pleasing to His sight, He made sure that I give importance to things with eternal value, He made sure that I realize what's important for Him, He made sure that I get to appreciate the simple things in life, He made sure that I learn to value every relationship He's giving me, He made sure that my faith in Him becomes stronger and unshakable...
I can just keep on talking on how God made sure He's with me this year. He made sure I become a person who knows that this life is all about HIM. So many revelations overwhelmed me and I thank Him for keeping me sane.
He gave me lots of new great friends and some old friends He allowed to stay, He gave me a new career which I know is just a preparation for His greater plans for me, He gave me an opportunity to lead people to follow Him which hurt and challenged me at times yet His plan to mold my character was fulfilled through it. Oh... I am just amazed with this great God.
Above all the blessings and lessons this year, I thank God for revealing how a great Father & Provider He is to me. Indeed, I am secured in Him! Thank You, Jesus, for 2011!
It's hard to choose highlights since I had many events and things to be thankful for but still I tried...
My 1st Prayer & Fasting (Corporate), Victory Weekend (Participant; whole family), Training for Victory (Johnru & I enrolled)
Johnru's Kiddie Bday Party, Victory Caloocan's Weekly Outreach Programs, Jeffrey's Vacation, Chinese New Year with Hannah & family
Design Project, SOFA (Interior Design) Workshop, BalikBayan Relatives & Friends (fr. US, Canada & CDO)
Started leading Victory Group & One-2-One's, Joined KIDS Ministry, God's revelation through Matthew Chapter 6 (made this year more wonderful and satisfying)
v.30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
v.33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Home-based Job Interview & Orientation, Parents to CDO (I learned more house chores), Mom & Dad's Anniversary, Blog entry featured by OMF Literature, chikkas with Ags again after 3 yrs. (Sorry! I have to include this. hihi! *blush*)
Gave a Testimony for Leaders' Convergence, Outing with Nieto family, Prayer & Fasting
Victory Weekend (Counselor), Mommy's Bday, PLV Team, VCF Ubelt's Singles' Night
Home-based job Started, Dad to CDO for Lola's operation (Safe Flight & Successful Operation), Won a free book from OMF for sharing a Tweet/Quote
Met Jericho R. (appreciate simple things! *blush*), Parents' Interview for Immigrant Visa, BalikBayans (attended a funeral & enjoyed a short vacation)
Training for Victory (Parents; Recognition), Youth Leaders' Meeting, My Surprise Birthday Party (Lead by Team Gulat), More Birthday Treats & Surprises
Prayer & Fasting/ Victory Weekend (Counselor), Worship Night (thanked God for His faithfulness for 2011), God's healing power for Mommy, Daddy's Bday, Another Home-based Job, Opportunity to design for LifeBox, Ten Days Mission (so unexpected)
DECEMBER: Ten Days Mission Sponsors (friends), Parents' Visa, Leaders & Volunteers' Appreciation Night, Victory Group's Christmas Party, Noche Buena with Family, Christmas Day
Thank You, Lord, for every single day of my 2011! I spent these days with family, relatives, great friends & acquaintances... each day was special as God planned it to be! Looking forward to more Blessings, Surprises and Revelations for 2012!!! :)
To God be the glory!